How to ask a girl out on a date for the first time depends on her answer. Therefore, it is important to do everything right: choose the moment, and the method, and the wording. Here's how to ask a woman out on a date, so she doesn't refuse.
You must understand that rejection is still possible. Even if you are doing everything fine, the girl may have reasons to refuse to meet. But nevertheless, the more competently you act, the higher the likelihood that she will agree. Here are some rules to help you get her consent:
Be polite. Communicate with the girl carefully and courteously. Give the impression of a pleasant person. This is the basis of her consent.
Do not hurry. Don't offer to meet until you get to know each other better and chat for a while. It is necessary to give rise to confident sympathy - experiencing it, the girl will agree with a greater probability.
Consider meeting. Where will you go, what will you do, what will you talk about. If you can improvise with the latter, you should prepare for the first two points in advance so that there is no awkwardness on the spot.
Select the right wording. Since you will receive an answer immediately after that, it`s important to say something that does not kill all previous efforts and persuade the girl to agree.
Don't insist. If a girl doubts, you just need to ask the reason for the doubts and convince of the harmlessness and safety of the idea. But you just don't need to insist: this will convince the girl that she doubted it for a reason.
When you have received her consent, and the meeting is scheduled, then you need to make sure that everything goes perfectly.
Think over the program where you can have coffee, where the places are picturesque enough for a walk, what movie to watch if it’s about cinema. You can think of something original in the form of a walk on the rooftops, rides, or horseback riding.
Take care of the budget: if the initiative is yours, then it`s customary to pay for girls on dates. The girl may be offended if she has to pay for herself on her own.
Think over the look. It should be appropriate for the occasion: if you go to the theater - dress appropriately, if you have planned some kind of active entertainment - choose comfortable clothes. Clothes should be clean and tidy—hairstyle - neat. Find a pleasant, unobtrusive perfume.
If you want to maximize the location of the girl, come up with a small gift or give flowers.
Think over topics for conversation: what you want to ask, what will you tell about yourself. The conversation will surely line up by itself, but it is better to have a couple of topics in case of awkward silence or to find out about the girl that you would like to ask anyway.
If you already see each other and communicate, and you do not need to transfer acquaintance from the Internet to reality, everything becomes much easier. It is enough to find the right moment and do everything gracefully.
If you're studying or working together, add romance and throw a note. Offer to go to the movie she's waiting for or go to a cafe with her favorite cuisine. In the tradition of American films, write the options "Yes" and "No" so that she ticks the one you want. If you are sure of success, you can write the options "Yes," "Exactly yes," "Already tomorrow," "Ask me one more time." If the plan doesn't work, the girl simply won't return the note.
Compliment her appearance when you meet. Take an interest in the news and offer to walk/have lunch / go somewhere together.
Ask for help. Maybe you need to select an outfit for an occasion, a gift for your grandmother, or something that she is well versed in. This will be a great excuse for a meeting and will emphasize your attention to the girl.
If you have a ticket or season ticket that is about to expire, invite her to join.
Successful phrases for inviting a girl out on a date via social networks and the Internet fall into three categories:
Surprises. Something with a little secret.
“I know one place that you will definitely like. I won't say where it is, but I can show it. Let's go to?"
“You were interested in…. I know something about this, I can tell you over a cup of coffee. Let's meet tomorrow at seven? "
Compliments. Tell the girl about her dignity and offer related leisure activities.
“You're the only one who loves horror as much as I do. Shall we go to the cinema for a new horror movie? "
“You are so good at art! But I don't, but I want to go to a new exhibition. Will you keep company? "
Quests. The essence of the method is that the girl needs to do something in order to receive the invitation.
Place the invitation note in the box and put it on the line of the game. Play along with the girl to win, get and read the note. “The victory is yours! But can the loser win the opportunity to take you to the movies? "
Hide several notes, each of which will tell you how to find the next. The last note should contain an invitation with an address and time. “You've come a long way. There is only one last step left - and the result will pleasantly surprise you. I'm waiting at the coffee shop at six in the evening. "
On a dating site, your only tool is correspondence. It is quite enough if the girl is interested enough to decide on a meeting. Be courteous and choose the right moment to invite. Do not ask to see you if the girl is saying something important right now. Do this at a convenient time - not early in the morning or late in the evening. Make sure she is in a good mood and communicates openly. The wording from the categories of surprises and compliments works great here.
Taking a girl out on the phone takes brevity and confidence. Prepare in advance and try not to distract the girl with lengthy conversations and long, uncertain hums.
The main feature of SMS invitations is their conciseness. If you are interested in how to set up a date with a girl you know via SMS, try to put as much information as possible in one message. Here are some examples of how to set up a date with a girl you know via SMS:
I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to meet you. Shall we go to the movies on Saturday? I've got a ticket and ice cream.
Have you already heard that your favorite band is coming? I got the tickets; I want to attend their concert. I'm counting on your company.
Are you a connoisseur of Italian cuisine? How about a pasta dinner on Friday? They say ___ is great.
"Aladdin" has finally been released - I've been waiting for a year! Come with me to the premiere? I promise it will be fun!
I want to see you and please you. Can you tell me the place where you wanted to visit for a long time? I have a couple of ideas, but I'm open to suggestions.
How you can call an unfamiliar girl to a meeting is the most difficult task of those discussed here. It should be said right away that the chances are slim: in the Internet era, few people decide to date a person they see for the first time. However, here are five tips to improve those odds:
Keep at arm's length. Do not violate the girl's personal space.
Speak confidently. She is most likely afraid here. If you also feel fear, the acquaintance will not take place.
Explain the reason for your conversation. You need help finding an address, you like her, and you are interested in what she does or eats when it comes to a cafe.
Compliment her if she looks unusual or just attractive, ask the correct question related to her appearance.
Be aware that she may refuse. Then ask for her contacts - phone or social media profile, and chat before making an appointment again.
Now let's list what should not be allowed in order to avoid rejection.
Don't be rude. Ask for a date politely, respond appropriately to possible objections, and change of plans.
Don't offer ill-conceived options. Don't ask, “Would you like to spend time together?”, Suggest something more specific like going to the movies, an amusement park, or going for a walk.
Don't call at inconvenient times like early morning and late evening, and don't interrupt the girl's story to invite her somewhere.
Don't say the word “date” itself; it can be scary.
Do not invite to a crowded place where a lot of people will hear your dialogue.
Do not call where the girl will definitely not be interested.
Some men take dating conversations with their girls very embarrassingly. Any word or gesture may not please the chosen one, and she will do the worst thing - refuse to meet ... However, the ability to charm any lady is an excellent quality that will come in handy even in everyday relationships with women. Therefore, think of the moment of invitation as an exciting game in which participation is also an enormous pleasure. And the result is a nice bonus.
Do not construct sentences in an interrogative form ("Can I ask you out on a date?) And do not use constructions (" I want to invite, "I want to ask you, "etc.) The girl does not need to be asked - just invite. And after her, there will be the next move.
Don't use the phrase "date." This can give the heroine responsibility and scare away. And the "meeting" sounds much better, while it is intuitively clear that it will be romantic.
The invitation must be specific. So, the place and time have already been outlined by you. This will demonstrate that you are serious about your intentions.
Politeness and courtesy are the main qualities on a date.
Do not hurry. If you get an evasive answer, that's not a reason to give up. Try to wait and offer again.
Preparing for a date with a girl
Think over the program. Plan the entire evening clearly: where and how you will meet, where you will go first, and what will happen after. Of course, everything can change rapidly, but plan "b" will help fix any situation.
Take care of your budget. Don't get embarrassed and consider all the possible costs.
Consider your appearance. For a date, it is better to choose a formal-business style of clothing, adding a little casual. For example, wear pants and a shirt or jacket, and a T-shirt under the bottom.
Make a nice gesture. Give your beloved a ride to a romantic place by car or call her a taxi. Also, a bouquet of beautiful flowers as a gift will never be superfluous.
Topics for conversation. Sometimes small blanks can help a lot to get the dialogue started and allow you to identify the commonality between you and your chosen one. Think about what you can ask and what you can tell about yourself. The main thing is that the conversation does not turn into a monologue.
Generations, views, attitudes change, but the desire to see a confident, strong, intelligent man in front of oneself remains with any woman. However, it is important not to confuse confidence with persistence; otherwise, it may cause the girl to doubt your intentions.
Awkwardness and embarrassment are inevitable on a first date, so take the initiative completely this evening.
Any girl will be pleased if they show interest in her as a person. Take an interest in her inner world and look for similarities between you. This approach will allow you to determine whether you are the heroes of the same novel or that this relationship cannot grow into something more.